. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
just realised something while surfing the net...
will be back from thailand just in time for singapore open...
and guess wad...
since last year...
i had been waiting for this man!
coz soprandi might be back!!!
*wonders how he has been doing...
coz last year during NYE party...
in our broken english-malay...
kinda said he'll try to come back this year for the singapore open...
amd thoroughly looking forward to it man...
coz that guy just strikes me as being entirely genuine and all...
still remember him taking off his lucky band as a gift for me...
and the lousy grasshopper i made him...
the lucky band kinda frayed and broke...
but its still somewhere in my cupboard...
*pray that the selections on the indonesian side will do justice to him...
that he can come to sg!!!

----Stef stopped rambling at 11:08
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