. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
just back from chem p1....
was a little better i guess...
but was having a terrible stomach ache...
must be something i ate in the morning...

will go motivate myself to study soon...
am feeling a little nauseous after the 1 hr of mental torture...
will be back!!!
...soon i guess...

met up with him yesterdae afternoon...
bought me stuff as a survival kit for marathon studying...
tuna and biscuits...
which we downed in the car...
potato sticks...
canned soup...
hello panda...
lemon warheads to keep me awake...
dunnoe whether to think he's considerate...
or just trying to impress the idea that he's considerate...
*tries not to think anything*
i guess YXY's rite in saying that he's, afterall, an adult...
and couldnt advise me further...
even the smarty pants him wouldnt know wad he's thinking either...

----Stef stopped rambling at 10:29
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