. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
it was noodles and unagi...
incredibly impressed by the lunch...
felt bad when i saw him having to wash up and stuff...
just for that one pathetic lunch...
and he was sweet enough to make honey for me to drink...
coz my throat was feeling like sandpaper...
it seems otherwise...
but i think we should just remain friends...

chem p3 tomorrow...
add oil...
am starting to panic...
started crying for no rhyme or reason in the room just now...
the stress is really getting to be...
hate it when this happens...
cant control...
but seriously fear doing badly...
after two horrendous years in JC...
oni to fail the a levels???
feel horribly down...
am studying as much as i can absorb today...
think i kinda let loose on physics liaoz...
which shouldnt be the way...
pray for me...
think i need every prayer i can get...

----Stef stopped rambling at 20:44
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