. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i sorta told him liaoz...
was having a rather heated conversation with him on iRC...
and in a fit of anger...
sent him my nov archives with instructions to read the particular days...
he was more worried abt me feeling sad and all than anything else...
telling me not to cry...
even called to ask if i'm ok...
thing is...
i wasnt crying...
and was ok liaoz....
just that i wanted to get it off my mind...
call din last for more than half a minute...
coz it felt all too weird as well...
thing is...
i'm fine...
i dunnoe why...
but i am...
think i'm getting more mature in handling stuff like dat...
exchanged a few SMS...
and i guess it all ended pretty amicably...
i'm not tat hurt anymore...
and all i wish is for him to be happy...
thats all..

----Stef stopped rambling at 00:35
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