. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
ritz carlton toilet...
really damn nice lor...
couldnt resist taking a photo inside...
but on hindsight...
its not the best lah...
the best (that i have ever seen...)
would probably be Raffles Marina...
you can practically sleep in there lor...
here is a shot we took inside...


this is coach andrew and me!!!
the idiot still look like drunkard...


am ciaoing to sleep soon...
must study triple-ly hard to make up for all the days ive been slacking...
wq they all still went for midnite movie lor...
in dresses and all...
think gerald quite poor thing...
have to take care of so many mei nu...
me not mei nu...
so i go home sleep...

will blog more photos soon...
so happie today...
for Rachel and KerWan....
wish them happiness alwaz...

----Stef stopped rambling at 01:11
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