. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
last weekday before my maths papers next week...
my GP papers and chem p2...
i better make full use of today...
am starting to panic liaoz...

smsed ant late last nite...
coulnt sleep...
thot of him...
so i 'heck la...just disturb him...'
poor guy couldnt sms...
so called me instead..
he sounded damn happie...
had to whisper whisper...
coz my sibs were sleeping liaoz...
din last too long la...
the conversation...
abt less than a minute?
but it was the very first time when the stuff he alwaz says..
really took effect...
i dunnoe...
maybe coz he sounds serious?
i dunnoe...
just know that it felt all warm and fuzzy inside...
u sounded very awake leh...
arent you supposed to be sleeping at that time of the nite???
dont you have to work today???

go back to books liaoz...
time is running short!

----Stef stopped rambling at 10:19
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