. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
finally concluded maths today...
praying damn hard that i wont have to retake next year...
paper was manageable...
but not as easy as p1 i guess...
just hoping and praying hard for a A...
but not keeping my hopes up...
coz the higher they are...
the more painful the disappointment...
trust me...
i learnt the hard way...

he din log onto frenster...
maybe he's in camp?
reading his rather short profile...
realised that we were two very different pple...
but he still likes south park...
and i wonder if i had anything to do with that...

'nuff said...
watched the matrix today...
back to being totally intrigued...
and now am trying to read up to 'upgrade' my understanding...
am surviving with bits and pieces received in my email...
but since idiot johnston doesnt want to lend me his book...
i'll just have to get it myself...
and probably bring it to pattaya...
for some nitetime read...
enjoyed revolutions more than reloaded...
i dunnoe why...
maybe i understood it more???
company was fine too...
think i watched reloaded with cy...
he's kinda quiet at movies...
at least edward can crap with me...
so it was entirely fun...
and he doesnt slam my crap...
my squirming...
my lame one-liners...
my incessantly frustrating two cents worth of comments...

dunno why...
but cy and i have been rather distant of late...
he doesnt sms me that often..
and when i saw him in sch that day...
we oni spoke a few times...
and other than that...
it was rather uncomfortable as well...
maybe it's my a levels?
i oni hope he's not trying to avoid me or something...
coz i see no reason for that...

am hungry...
dad, bro and sis are eating...
but i wanna eat with my mom...
who's on her way home from work...
i hate the feeling of eating alone...
just staring at your food...
or the table lamp...
i'm gonna eat with her...
coz i lurve her to bits...

ben's probably gonna read this...
but i'm not intentionally trying to lick his boots or something...
really appreciate times when he would appear on icq on my downest days with the most cheerful of msg-es...
u can even say its like having an angel on duty 24/7...
though he cant reply sms...
or come online all the time...
but i guess whats already there sufficed...
coz nuthing beats the feeling of having a fren you know u can call and scream at when you are down...
you were ranked among my bestest frens yesterdae...
and only stopped myself coz was afraid you might be at some all-important meeting or something...
really appreciate having u around...
as a fren, of course...
having mixed feelings abt your reaction to my blog last nite...

----Stef stopped rambling at 19:14
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