. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
dad doesnt seem pretty keen on getting a new digicam...
was eyeing the 3.2 mega pixels one...
but dont think i'll even get a 2.0...
probably make do with the conventional cam...
but still will try convincing him abt buying it with my own money...
no case...
coz he paid for my 500 bucks for pattaya...

on the grounds that i actually have been 'earning' money over the last year...
for essay and the dunnoe-wat award...
i want new digicam!!!

found wf's brother on friendster...
was thoroughly impressed by his wit and use of language...
quite intriguing to see two brothers being so totally different...
didnt speak too much to his brother while we were together though...
even though it was evident that those guys were damn close to one another...
other than the times i was over at their place studying...
oni occasion that i recalled being out with him was when we met up with him and his gf for lunch one day...
and wf graciously suggested that he'll pay for the 4 of us...
considering his bro was still in NS...
it was these kinda acts of consideration that really gained my respect and trust in him...
but back to topic..
i sent him a message...
wonder if he'll make the link...
but i don think so...
considering i'm not linked to wf...
we'll see...

been trying to study today...
but aint very successful...
coz bro kept challenging me to mini golf with him...
sis hiding ard the whole house away from dad who's asking her to clear her stuff...
then mom kept asking me to eat the stuff she bought today...
dad kept cracking us up with his lame jokes and all...
cant conc...
but it felt good to have the whole family home like that...
stuff i've been missing every weekend at the beach...
though my pals know/think/believe i'm the ultra family kinda person...
alwaz forsaking dinners with them to be with my family...
but truth is...
it was the oni way i can make it up to them la...

today is my 'save-your-sms' day...
not going to reply anyone's sms...
got two this morning...
feel bad...
but i really must not succumb to temptation!
stop smsing!
dont want my parents to come after me with oct's bill after i survived thai training...

so anyone with impt stuff to tell me today...
dun sms me!!!

thinking wat photo i should feature today...
am thinking oka...
my ultimate ou xiang...
this is one asian games gold medalist with no airs man!
he's like so ultra humble...
and nice!!!
remembered teaching him how to make the leaf grasshopper...
then he said his fingers too fat...
cannot make...
and how he just grabbed sk by the legs and lifted him up...


----Stef stopped rambling at 16:32
--Link to Post

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