. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
dad caught me still on the PC at abt 2 plus am last nite....
but i really couldnt sleep!!!
so he made me go to my books instead...
i nodded off within minutes...
sedative nature of books...

havent seen/heard ant the last couple of days...
considering he would suddenly pop up on my icq...
at weird times like late morning or in the middle of the nite...
i think finally he's getting busy with his job...
and less susceptible to getting online in the wee hours of the morning...

got myself on mypicgallery.com...
not bad leh the interface...
quite userfrenly and all...
posted the links at the bottom liaoz...
wrote captions until i wanna pengz man...
will be adding stuff in the trash and skies sections...
if i do take them...
love the digicam...
although its oni 1.5megapixels...
its still good enuff for amateur me!!!

yesterdae kelv made me go online...
saying he needed help...
i thot wad...
all he wanted was tips on where to bring a gurl for their first date...
and when i got online...
he said he dun need laioz...
coz the others advised him liaoz...

first date with blaz...
super crappy la...
we din call it a date...
but a 'date'...
coz we knew...
at that point of time...
we were nuthing except the best of pals...
he was working that day...
me, post o level chinese exams...
went ard orchard with yollee...
before having him pick me at bishan...
i was supposed to buy sushi from taka...
octoballs from bishan...
hagen daz ice cream...
and him...
fries and apple pie from macs...
all the food we alwaz talked abt in our emails and sms-es...
we drove to changi beach...
where i last had my tudor international race...
remember it was kinda weird...
couples ard...
giving us funny looks coz i was in my green uniform...
and him in corporate wear...
but heck...
it was quite dark...
couldnt really see his face...
nor could he see mine..
mosquitoes and sandflies aplenty...
so it wasnt that romantic...
we couldnt really finish the food either...
but really enjoyed myself that day...
ruining the other couples serene solitude, tat is...

i guess it doesnt matter its all gone...
just cherish the fact that it was once there...

----Stef stopped rambling at 12:21
--Link to Post

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