. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
was responding to a mail abt why i liked enemy at the gates considering it wasnt a well received movie...
and abt the matrix's questions of our true existence...
thought stuff i said was quite general...
so no harm bringing them here...

hmm...coz there was jude law and joseph fiennes? not so much of tat i guess...was superbly impressed by the art of snipery...and the fact that it wasnt a typical war movie with gory scenes and all...but cant say much here...aint a fan of war movies...just appreciate the beauty of any well made movie...another war-themed movie i really liked was Silent Night on the hallmark channel...its really beautiful...cant speak for you since its a preference thing...but do check out the sypnosis...its a lovely story...one that captures the beauty of the paradoxical faith/war/love/hope/hate...

cant say much abt the matrix though...enjoyed keanu reeves flying ard and beating up agents...but couldnt delve too deeply into the issue of existence and all...thinking too much abt things you cannot find an answer for makes your head ache...but when i said i wanted to meet someone real...i meant someone void of pretense and apprehension of the dark lurking world...someone who can be herself/himself ard me...that'll suffice.

----Stef stopped rambling at 15:41
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