. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
next fav song after ·É»ú³¡µÄ10:30...
think its nice...
the italics arent the translation...
but stuff i actually feel when i hear those lines...

David Tao - ÌìÌì

Ì«ÑôÌì(»ò)ÏÂÓêÌì È˼·È˵Ŀ§·Èµê

think abt him in moments of solitude...esp in the bus...

¿´×ÅÇéÈ˼翿¼ç ÂýÂýת¿ªÎÒÊÓÏß
seeing couples shoulder to shoulder...slowly take my gaze off them...

yeh yeh~~ ÓиöÅ®º¢ÈÃÎÒºÃÏëÄî
funnily enough...i think of him...

ÎÒµÄÐÄ ÒѾ­·Éµ½Õâ¸ö³ÇÊеÄÁíÒ»±ß
dunnoe whether i've misplaced my feelings...

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looking at him...thinking i might have...

°ÑÐÄÀïµÄ¸ÐÇé ¶¼¶ÔÄã˵
sometimes i really wished that i could just let him know...

the world seems to come to a standstill when he's ard...

ûÓÐÄãµÄÈÕ×ÓºÜºÚ°× Ô­À´ÕâÑù¾ÍÊÇÁµ°®
miss his presence during his absence...but dun know what i am feeling...

while i hope its reciprocated...it is pretty much impossible...

ÎÒÏëÒªÌìÌì˵ÌìÌì˵ ÌìÌì¶ÔÄã˵ÎÒÓжమÄã
if only i could tell him how i feel...everyday...then maybe i wont be in such agony...


----Stef stopped rambling at 21:50
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