. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
think its pretty crazy how my # of sms can fluctuate day to day...
received (equats to approximately sent...) more than 100 sms-es since 12midnite on tues when i cleared my mailbox till this morning when when i cleared it again...
tats a whole lot of sms-es...
considering i could end a day w/o sending or recieving any...
save for one/two...
but these couple of days have been especially crazy...

refound silie...
a friend of 6 years...
ren shi while i was still keen on playing bball at the court downstairs...
idiot msged me asking for roy's no. but i lost it with my phone the other time...
kinda blurted tat i used to like him in the past...
glad i dont anymore...
its scary when u actually see pple grow up...
or at least...
the product of it...
he WAS a picture of innocence...
but i guess things change...
and pple do too...
made me rethink abt how i actually fall in love...
how easily i do...
and how blindly...

suddenly asking me to play pool...
w/ no knowledge that i suck at REAL pool...
though i kinda suck at yahoo pool as well...
but that guy is just bored...
and lost w/o his best bud...
halfway across the globe...
but heard gene called him today...
and asked edward to thank me for the prezzie and ask me take care...
am heartened...
it made my day...

wq was having an sms discussion with me...
were thinking whether or not to go for gym tonite...
coz that todd trainer was due to be present...
at least to show face...
and show sports council we're working hard...
we are...
cant deny...
just not in the physical sense...
can u imagine how he'll react seeing how fat we've become???
he'll flip...
and made sure we're out of the squad...
good to have a fren on the same side as ya...
esp if u're doing bad things...

cy's been msging me as well..
sms-ed me yesterdae to catch up...
and i complained to him abt YC being super demoralising...
being so ultra smart and all...
with no reservation abt suaning me...
he got kinda worried...
and thot i was pretty stressed and all...
said he'll call me tonite...
am glad he did...
think he'll keep me sane...

why din all these pple appear on mon....
then i'd have saved myself the lousy mood i was in on mon...

----Stef stopped rambling at 20:44
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