. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
saw him today in sch yeah...
its a feeling thats warm yet quaint...
something tat i cant really put in words...
warm and fuzzy??
but its nice...

more pple know abt it now...
i know i shouldnt be telling pple...
but i had to tell my two bestest pals...
and my closest councillors...
dont fret if i din tell you...
i guess its my way of protecting myself...

will put my literary brain cells to good use now...
embark on the rather challenging essay...
education should be used for living, not to make a living.
any tips/hints/points/views...
feel free to tag me...
i'll need all the help i can get...

----Stef stopped rambling at 18:49
--Link to Post

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