. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
i think i mentioned...
but heck...

my hair quite short now...
if i tie up...
everything will start falling apart...
which renders tying up pointless...
thing is got lotsa hair...
so short hair's kinda...big...
if i can put it that way...
bought gel...
lotsa it...
if the hair doesnt work out...
u'll probably see a geek in sch on monday...
all gel-ed up...

mom says its nice...
but maybe coz its blown dry today...
wonder how it'll be like if i dont blow my hair...
since i normally dont...
i'm dead...
dont tell me i've to spend 20 minutes everyday doing something i never donw b4 in my whole entire life!!!
oh no!!!
now regretting the impulsive way i made my decision...

but happi i feel the load off my head lah...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:01
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