. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
home sweet home...
at abt 1pm?!?!?!
sch ended ard 9something...
but stayed in school...
to play bball...
played with so many pple..
...some of the girls bball team...
...tohwei and eugene...
...eng soon...
fun lah...
once again...
i was the one making the most noise...
but started to keep quiet soon after...
after i realised everyone was so quiet...
made a few good shots...
and won jh in man jiang...
so happie!

this teachers day is kinda unlike last year's when i was running ard like a busy bee...
it was fine lah...
a little on the slow side...
but i had a great morning...
playing ball esp...

maybe go grab a nap or something...
then head out to maybe the library for some maths...

----Stef stopped rambling at 14:19
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