. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
went out with my team after tat...
had some coffee shop fare at siglap...
zhu chao...
shiok lah...
pork ribs...
honeyed chicken...
tehn went to siglap centre to resupply our common tool box...
bought the adrelite i spoiled...
but decided to buy the WD-40 from some place cheaper...
just tat adrelite very difficult to find...
and then to starbucks for kopi...
had the new coffee caramel jelly frap...
not bad leh...
my pals say nicer than xi ying...
but heck lah...
it was so nice that sam kept drinking mine instead of his mocha frap...
it was not as sweet as mine...
i simply adore caramel...
talked lotsa crap...
abt sam's egoistic nature...
SK affinity with gals...
those girls really hiong lor...
the take initiative and asked him for his number leh...
and not just one leh!!!

WQ being suaned by all of us...
and me just sat there laughing and all...
it was good...
we should do this more often..
just slacking all the way after training...

back to today's training...
andrew kept scolding me...
saying i not putting in enough effort...
but seriously i think if i dont put in effort..
then wad for i go for training...
wasting my time oni..
i am trying lor...
but then my physical fitness really sucks compared to the guys...
i'm really not as good...
but i'm trying...
today had tacking drills...
speeding sailing...
wind was good enough at a certain point of time to plane...
wooshed past all the little bath tubs...
they really just stumped in our wake lor..
it was that shiok...
went quite far out to padang buoy...
even the police coast guard was kinda worried...
was alwaz very very near me...
they scared i just die out there...
they asked andrew why we were sailing so far out...
no choice wad...
wind better outside...
really lagged behind by alot these days...
morale down...
but spirits still okay...
just that i got a good team behind me...

going out with my windsurfers for lunch and shoe-shopping tmr...
then meeting teh basketballers for stella b-dae bBQ-steamboat in the evening..
long day..
with lotsa food...

oh yah...
me thinking...
will be breaking from serious training for the A's soon...
must keep up a regular training regime...
maybe jog every weekday???
will psycho myself to put something down here...
so that all of you reading this can help me keep up with it...
i HAVE to...
really dont wanna fall behind the guys anymore...
i cant afford to...
i still have my big dreams...
i'm losing to WQ now...
but doesnt mean i will forever...
we are each other's closest enemy...
competitive we are...
but i guess pretty good friends if we're not racing lah...

k k...
time for a quick shower...
then its the stretching routine tat sam swears by...
giving him the 8 pak...
and sculpted biceps and all...
i better start believing...

but not tat i wanna sculpt my arm muscles...
they are big enuff liaoz...
with fats of course...
i just wanna rid myself of the aching feeling...


----Stef stopped rambling at 22:41
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