. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
kinda reminded me of how my dad blew up when he found out...
that i was lying to him...
never seen him so angry before...
it was so terrible...
he din speak to me for days on end...
and the final straw came when HE tried to send me something by post...
dad even threatened to wreck him...
just held back all infomation of him...
hoping that the storm will blow away soon...
it was sad...
but it was my fault...
he didnt react like tat when i told him abt wf...
i think i was honest...
so he didnt mind...
but i was 'fraid he couldnt accept blaz...
didnt think he ever could...
but keeping him a secret was the wrongest decision i have ever made...
maybe if i was more open abt him...
things would be a little different...
but i darent think any further...
i'm happie now...
i am...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:34
--Link to Post

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