. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
just came back from gym training...
havent eaten since that pao at 1pm...
tao sar pao...
freaking hungry...
but decided to eat after my shower...
which is abt now...
at 10pm!?!??!?!
feel miserable...

Event of the day...
today's ken's last day in AJ...
jisiao-ed him for the last time...
he taking the bus back to KL tomorrow...
will miss having him around...
coz he's pretty farnie and cute...
oh well...
lost one good rockafella dancer...
he's pretty good at it...
and at other dances too...
actually i think the 20th can really dance...
but whether they can work or not..
is a big question lah...

getting my photos developed...
will get to see them when dad comes back with them..
for now...
it's dinner and my physics tutorial!~!~!~~!~!~!

----Stef stopped rambling at 21:58
--Link to Post

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