. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
realised something...
din really tell alot of pple abt my blog...
so except for those who happened to surf in...
the oni pple who know are those from my klass...

i think having a small audience is a good thing...
aint attractive enough to rake in a high viewership...
sour grapes laioz...

but really...
coz you can then say things closer to heart...
and not hold back...
coz you know...
that pple who are indeed reading this...
is one of your best pals...
and even those who surfed in and stayed on...
really are pple who'll make good friends...

so here i am...
thanks guys...
when i'm depressed or down...
you never fail to flood me with your sweet SMSes...
encouraging tags...
and little pats-on-the-back in school...
like [L]un who will catch me when i fall...
PC who will sms me...
lala who will siao with me over my little crushes...
El Santo with his sometimes nice, sometimes horrid remarks...
CK for offering to help me with work...
and all the other pple who i forgot to mention...
you guys rulz..

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:45
--Link to Post

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