. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
just had a great shower...
only have time to really scrub down on fridays when there's no homework due the next day...
used the biore facial scrub...
and a nice pH Labs grapfruit sugar scrub...
which smells really nice...
and the sugar will dissolve after awhile...
so it's quite cool...
but must wash properly lah..
or else ants will visit me at nite...
*laugh now...its supposed to be farnie...
washed hair with organics 'hair spa' with essential oil...
and conditioned with vidal sasoon's conditioner...
hair condition quite bad coz of frequent sun exposure and stuff...
skin damn bad coz of oil in sunblock...
*blames widnsurfing*
how convenient...
but look at sam...
he still has good skin...nice hair...
not fair!!!

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:11
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