. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
lousy monday...
din get much done again...
did my council work...
so am pretty set for my last council term...

its pretty fast actually...
how the whole council term passes like tat...
it's almost like yesterdae when we were first starting out...
but now...
we grew to be like really close...
which is...
to me...
the best part of council...
the relationships/frenships you build...
i love you guys...

but still got lotsa homework not done...
later going to lala house take some of the tutorials...
alot i dunnoe how to do coz was away in penang when it was taught...
'enjoyed' 10 days in penang...
come back siong ah...

today went for run with bro and sis again...
did a 15min run..
distance not too sure...
but i think abit more than 2.4 lah...
console myself...
then abit of stuff at the fitness corner...
met yunn boon again...
but shitz..
forgot to ask for his number again...
until i was up in the lift...
on hindsight...
he looks a tad like adrian...
ya know...
the guai guai look...
the kind you'll love to bring home to meet mummy kind?
parents met adrian once b4...
coz we sent him home from beach...
parents were totally bowled over by how polite he actually was...
i think he was the only one who impressed them that much...

arms aching like siao...
think coz i din stretch down over the past few daes...
sam loves stretching...
dunnoe why also...
he does it religiously after every race day at penang...
i only do when i rem...
usually i only rem when i see him doing it...
i'm that slack...

slack in all aspects...
council work...
sch work...
think i'm a failure...
and a big one at that...

off i go to lala house...
so that i can come back and copy homework...
copy finish then can go training tmr!!!!

----Stef stopped rambling at 20:23
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