. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
Dear all,

We have been given the green light to facilitate the gym at SSC. This means
regular gym work out and attendance. We are finally getting some attention
from Andrew Sanders.

Dave Shepard will be coming down next weekend, Saturday for a phycology
session. We will need to arange a time frame to slot us into this session.
As all of you are free on Saturdays, please be early for the session. Time
will be confirmed again.

Fahma from SSC is keen to do a talk on nutrition basics. Probably on a week
end too. Guys, you're in for some mental intake, so sleep well on the night
before and look sharp!

Regarding gym training, it will be 3 times weekly from 7pm till 10 pm. We
can knock off about 9pm. We will need to approach the specialist in charge
and talk to him regarding this workout. I will be arranging one of our
weekday training days to allow us to meet up with him.


*b|az shakes head...

----Stef stopped rambling at 19:35
--Link to Post

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