. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
today was kinda slow again...
before noon...
just waiting ard for uncle kah soon to bring us the materials for the sail numbers...
sam and i were getting abit pissed at how last minute everything was...
like dr ben said...
wat? your sails still virgin ah? havent touch water?
sadly, yesh...
we had to season the equipment while racing...

but kinda appreciated the help uncle george and uncle francis rendered us...
optimists coaches...
i was away at the skippers briefing...
and he was at my sail...
patiently poking the air bubbles in the stickers...
i never asked him to help me..
but he did...
if i din walk that way i wouldnt have known...
sharing the beach there with him is one of the best things that could have ever happened to us...
the windsurfing lot...
he's been teaching us alot of stuff too...
kinda glad...
and happie..

think the thai and indonesian sailors are kinda frenly...
i think a bright smile really helps when language is a serious barrier...
havent got the chance to mingle...
coz was too busy with the sail stuff...
will try tmr...

for now...
its sleep...
prepare for the long days ahead...
wish me best...
not to lag too much behind...

----Stef stopped rambling at 22:26
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