. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
training was tough today...
cant type with my right thumb now...
so you can see the SPACE quite farnie...
it got sliced abit by my boom...
coz i pressed the button in...
sam pulled on it...
and it clipped my thumb...
hurt like hell...
bled abit too...

training today...
approx. 3.3km of run...
3 rounds ard the lagoon....
boy that place is big...
took 20:45mins...
shitty time compared to the guys...
but was first among the girls...
not anything wonderful...
coz i missed 3 days of PT due to some stupid virus that chose to attack me at such an inconvenient time...
light gear cycling wasnt too bad...
kinda like cycling...
and cycled alot when i was younger...
so it was easier...

pumped 15kg...
freaking 100 times...
couldnt finish actually...
but had to do it slowly...
andrew made sure i did it....
stupid guy...
alwaz have to ji-siao me whenever i cant do something...
the 4-direction abs work...
wrist weights...
leg raises which i couldnt manage...
it was gross...
but we survived land training...

soon came aqua...
after lunch and half an hour of rest...
swam alot...
jumped alot...
freaky stuff...
had to step on barnacles...
and jump into the water...
they hurt alot...
so kinda held on to andrew...
not that i wanted to...
but it really HURTS...

andrew made me do my water tuning again...
but i couldnt handle...
so he sent sam to help me...
poor sam...
had to swim to me...
but made him stay in the water...
coz i wanted to at least finish part of it myself...
then sam climbed on board to help me...
thats where i clipped my thumb...
and where andrew and WQ commented that we looked like lovebirds floating away in the water...
worse thing was that we kinda lost balance...
and fell into the water as well...
so then came the suan-ing...

practised on 720s...
gross stuff...
never did any of those before in my entire time WSing...
but tried anyway...
realised my starboard gybe still sucks like hell...
would just haf to practise much much harder...

----Stef stopped rambling at 20:23
--Link to Post

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