. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
another early, long, hot, burnt day...
din do the run from NSC to safra...
so i cycled with them...
taking the back runners...
while andrew led at the front...
kinda to encourage the slower runners..
i've been there...
i'm usually there...
just that i'm not running...

so i know how they feel...
after that stupid run...
SBJs along the stone jetty...
and joined them for the yucky duckie walks...
leg hurt...
but imagine them...
power puff-ed...
did the sit ups...
crunches actually...
my tail bone doesnt like me doing sit ups...
in four directions might i add...
gross stuff...
then 30 assisted pull-ups..
and a 2 minute hang...
but hand slipped off more often than it could stay...
so oh well...
think i'm trying hard to catch on...
wish me good...

then went to da lagoon to have lunch...
had some piggy legs...
and some meat bone tea...
then stole some equipment stuff..
then took the speed boat back...

water training for them started at ard 2...
within 20 minutes...
2 sailors were down...
couldnt even uphaul their sail...
kinda got me freaked...
thot one of them was pretty strong for his size...
followed andrew ard on the speedboat...
love the way he rides the waves...
and the boat goes damn fast...
kinda had to lean on him...
or else i'm the first thing to fly off the boat...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:50
--Link to Post

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