. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
actually not much to say today...
coz the actual xmas is usually quite uneventful...
went shopping with family...
to see whether i can get a new fone...
saw teeny song ericsson one...
free with a new line...
but 200+ bucks as a replacement...
but kinda worried abt switching from nokia...
coz will have trouble getting used to...
but now all the nokia fones are kinda not my thing...
on hindsight...
ii think my 6510 wasnt my type...
then even the MMS-enabled fones are not only pricey...
but quite weird looking too...
so am pretty happie with my 8210...
until i save enough money...
then maybe can get one of those pretty samsungs...

was at giordano today...
saw TK...
terence koh???
council senior...
surprised to see him...
he was too..
bought a pair of light denims...
20 bucks...
how good can that get?

bought some sweets for andrew...
gonna write him something...
so kinda appreciate all he has done for us for the past few weeks...
during our two week intensive...
he was oni paid a measly 60 bucks a day you knoe?
feel bad that we keep disappointing him...
and gonna ask him not to smoke so much...
its bad for him...

k k...
gotta go liaoz...
homework homework homework...

----Stef stopped rambling at 23:02
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