. be resourceful
. wasted time
. sanity check
. carbon dating
. frozen time
just done with teh stopid welfare survey...
though it was only 57 pieces...
it took me forever...
or at least...
it felt like forever...
had to retype every single comment out...
regardless of how trashy it was...
really weird and ridiculous comments..
but somebody had to do this s**t...
and usually...
if not alwaz...
it would be the council...

brain a little dead...
now at 427 outta 546 pages of the hannibal book..
hope to finish soon..
so that i can pass it to the others in line..
they seemed pretty interested in the guy who eats humans...

will go to sleep now...
daddy promised me my favourite breakfast tomorrow...
porridge with raw fish...
but have to wak up early...
hope i do...

----Stef stopped rambling at 00:47
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